Embarking on a cancer journey is a daunting experience, marked by challenges and adjustments. Amidst the whirlwind of treatments, appointments, and emotional upheaval, oral health often gets overlooked. However, the importance of maintaining good oral hygiene during cancer treatment is super important. Not only does it affect how you feel overall, but it can also make a big difference in how well your treatment goes and how good you feel during and after it.
Cancer treatments such as chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and targeted therapy can take a toll on your oral health. While crucial for combating cancer cells, these therapies can inadvertently damage healthy cells, including those in the mouth. Side effects such as oral mucositis, xerostomia (dry mouth), infection, and gum disease are common during cancer treatment. Additionally, certain medications used in cancer therapy can weaken the immune system, making you more susceptible to oral infections and complications.
The consequences of neglecting oral health during cancer treatment extend beyond the mouth. Oral complications can hinder your ability to eat, speak, and swallow, leading to nutritional deficiencies, weight loss, and decreased quality of life. Furthermore, oral infections can delay or disrupt cancer treatment, compromising its effectiveness and prolonging recovery time. Therefore, addressing oral health concerns proactively is essential for mitigating these risks and maintaining overall health and well-being.
For individuals already struggling with oral infections or dental decay before cancer diagnosis, the challenges can be even more daunting. Cancer treatments like chemotherapy can exacerbate existing oral health issues, leading to worsening infections, increased pain, and greater discomfort. The weakened immune system during chemotherapy makes it difficult for the body to fight off infections, allowing oral bacteria to thrive and spread. As a result, dental infections may progress rapidly, causing complications such as abscesses, bone loss, and even systemic infections if left untreated.
Taking care of your mouth before, during, and after cancer treatment is super important. Cancer treatments can mess with your mouth's natural balance, leading to problems like dry mouth, mouth sores, and infections.
By tackling mouth issues before treatment, keeping up with good oral hygiene, and getting help when needed, you can make your cancer journey a little easier on your mouth and your whole body. Remember, talking openly with your healthcare team and taking care of yourself are key.
“Expert knowledge means better care for cancer”
Contributed by:
MBBS (Singapore) - MRCP (United Kingdom)
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